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Tag: software

Auto-Typer – Linux Bash Script

Auto-Typer – Linux Bash Script

TL;DR; A super simple Linux shell script to type a bunch of preset long “words” (only tested on Linux Mint XFCE). At the office we work with Kubernetes clusters, and we are currently moving all of our stuff to a new cluster. The new cluster however has much longer namespace names, and longer domain names. This is quite tedious to have to type in, when using for example kubectl command line tools. So I thought why not create a set…

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DevTunnel – A Reverse Proxy Tunnel

DevTunnel – A Reverse Proxy Tunnel

I wanted to have the option to run a web-application on my local machine, and make it seem as if it is running as part of a collection of web-applications on a remote cluster. The collection of web-applications on the cluster make up the whole of a web-site, and during development you might want to “replace” one of the web-app’s by a version on your own machine, which is under development. Note: where this story mentions web-app or web-proxy, you…

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Oracle Forms Standalone Runner

Oracle Forms Standalone Runner

TL;DR; See on how to download and run the forms viewer… If you want the background as to how I got there, read on… At the office, we still use a couple of old/legacy oracle-forms-11 applications. The “normal” (designated) users will run these from Windows, in the Edge browser switched to old Internet-Explorer compatibility mode… You can not start Oracle Forms Applets in any other browser or operating system, as applets are no longer supported. As I do run…

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LEDCircleClock Revisited

LEDCircleClock Revisited

A good friend of mine (Milo) was featured last year on Hackaday with a post about building a circular LED clock. See Milo’s GitHub repository for the original code/version and build instructions. I did build his project, and added some more effects / animations / features. For this new extended version, see my GitHub repository: . I did not 3d-print the proper case for the clock yet. For now I just put it in a picture frame, with a…

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Description Enable special functions on the CAPS-LOCK key, to support VI users 😉 This script was created by me as a sort of “study” object, not for any serious use. A colleague of mine has created a Linux kernel module to modify his keyboard behaviour to what is described in this document. I was just wondering if it would be possible to create the complex logic he needed, without having to make a kernel module. As maintaining a kernel module…

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Find Kubernetes Ingress Rules

Find Kubernetes Ingress Rules

Suppose you have a kubernetes cluster, which contains a large set of ingress rules, of which many are used for the same hostname (just using different context-root’s / paths). In this case it can be hard to find out which rule is used for a certain URL. To help out in this situation I have created a Linux script to make a nice overview of paths mapped to what services by which ingress rules. You still have to read through…

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Synology Universal Search CLI

Synology Universal Search CLI

The web-gui on a synology NAS has an application called “Universal Search”. I wanted to be able to use this from the shell command line on the NAS also to find my files, so I set out to find if that would be possible. TL;DR; See for the end result. Or scroll down almost half way, till you find first mention of “synowebapi”. To use Universal Search, you first have to set it up using the web-gui, to index…

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PacPong – The Game

PacPong – The Game

Inspired by a T-shirt as sold by, I created a playable version of the game as depicted on their T-shirt. It is a cross-over between Pac-Man and Pong. Pac-Man became 40 this year!