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Tag: java

DevTunnel – A Reverse Proxy Tunnel

DevTunnel – A Reverse Proxy Tunnel

I wanted to have the option to run a web-application on my local machine, and make it seem as if it is running as part of a collection of web-applications on a remote cluster. The collection of web-applications on the cluster make up the whole of a web-site, and during development you might want to “replace” one of the web-app’s by a version on your own machine, which is under development. Note: where this story mentions web-app or web-proxy, you…

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Oracle Forms Standalone Runner

Oracle Forms Standalone Runner

TL;DR; See on how to download and run the forms viewer… If you want the background as to how I got there, read on… At the office, we still use a couple of old/legacy oracle-forms-11 applications. The “normal” (designated) users will run these from Windows, in the Edge browser switched to old Internet-Explorer compatibility mode… You can not start Oracle Forms Applets in any other browser or operating system, as applets are no longer supported. As I do run…

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Fast Character Replace Contest

Fast Character Replace Contest

At the office, we have quite a bunch of Java developers. However, because we are quickly growing (way, way, way too quick in my opinion), there was an intake exam created, as part of sourcing in new Java coders from external companies. One of the questions on the intake was an interesting one, so we took it upon ourselves (the existing oldies) to try creating not the most beautiful, but the FASTEST way to get the job done 😉 See…

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